Robin is my current oldest project, as I just started posting chapter four on Tapas. So of course, I love to draw every character in as many outfits I can while writing chapter five.

Robin is my current oldest project, as I just started posting chapter four on Tapas. So of course, I love to draw every character in as many outfits I can while writing chapter five.
Together with Calani, Dew stays mostly in the background of the Dream Keeper Robin story for now. Unlike Calani, she manages to steal the spotlight due to her.. uhm… let’s call it enthusiasm for battle. She may not be the smartest Squire on the table, but she makes up for that with her unending energy.
For the Patreon levels I did the Robin Characters in chibi form and in colorful circles, which later became a set of stickers. I realized I never shared them here, so it was high time to correct that. You can get the stickers at my store, and with me at events, and the full set is here, except for one more sticker that, for now, it’s kind of a spoiler.
I have to admit, Dew is probably my favorite Squire to draw. She hasn’t had the chance to shine much yet, but I adore her. She loves her job, she loves her powers and she will never, ever back down from a fight.
If you want to know how I colored her, the process is available on Patreon for anyone who donates $5.00 USD or more per month.
I love drawing the Robin cast in pretty dresses and different hairdos. Even if they have little time to actually wear said dresses or hairdos in the story. Maybe one day I will actually add Gavin, Orion and Zander to the extra drawings.
In every story, there’s that one character who enjoys getting in trouble and getting everyone else in trouble. The troublemakers, so to speak.  Obviously, my stories are not the exception.
I made this illustration, with the most mischievous of my characters from my stories for a new banner in my patreon and facebook page, but of course, I just had to make them full body to share them with you all.
Moonlight Honesty is from Gradients, which is currently a Patreon-exclusive strip and you get the whole archive for just $1.00 USD a month. Updates on Fridays.
Dew is from Dream Keeper Robin, that you can read for free at Tapas (Link on the main menu), or buy at my store in physical form. Updates on Mondays.
Phoenix is from Traveling Seers, that you can read at Tapas (link on the main menu). Updates on Wednesdays.
Raziel is from Devil in Disguse. More about him to come out soon 😉
Winchester Mansion is, of course, from my Haunted House series, that you may have seen here.
And finally Moira is from my very first professional comic, I.Doll. But hers is a story for another time.
I have to say, one of the things I love about working with Mandi Gordon, Dream Keeper Robin’s editor, is that she keeps challenging me to do better every time. One of her challenges was to try and change my style, not for the comic itself (That you can read at Tapas, updating every monday), but for illustrations.
So here they are, looking a lot more comic-strip than usual, for a nice exercise with color sharpies.
For my daily drawings, I choose to do an exercise in monochrome ideas with the Robin Cast. I have to say, some were very rewarding, others made me see colors in a very different way. So here they are, Robin, the Elemental Squires and the mysterious Orion, for all to you to enjoy.
By the way, if you’re a Robin fan, stay tuned! I’ll be announcing soon the pre-sale of Dream Keeper Robin vol. 3!
Last week, as part of my daily drawing challenge, I decided to do some portraits of the Dream Keeper Robin cast in a Masquerade Ball, to practice more their personalities. And after 10 days, here is the whole set:
Last year, as part of the big promotions I made for the Dream Keeper Robin’s release, I made four bookmarks with the Elemental Squires in a very art-noveau style. I just realized I never shared them all with you.
So here they are, both sides of each bookmark (That will be soon on sale at the Kchink store, or if you see me at any convention in my table)
I really need to get on my tablet and do the next 4 characters in the set, Robin, Alex, Zander and Gavin.
Oh, and if you like the line art? All of them are part of the patreon rewards for those who support me from $1.00 a month. Get your homemade Robin coloring book!