More Chainsaws Needed

Another YouTube project for speedpaints, this time dedicated completely to horror in general, instead of just to the Master King.

Movies, TV Series, Books and comics will be checked here. I started drawing my characters, but now I also draw scenes or the characters of the movies in question because they are great!

You can check the More Chainsaws needed at

and it updates every third Friday!

Also remember, if you join my Patreon, you get to watch them one week earlier!

The Old (2020) Ending doesn't work
Being #Alive is better than being Alone
Squid Game is not a Battle Royale
Outbreak. Hope in the times of viruses
Jaws. Animal attack movies and consequences
Psycho: Playing Broken Telephone with Bloch and Gein
Zombies: Living Dead, reanimated corpses and metaphors of all trades
The Crazies: The original flavor rage zombies now and then
Tremors: Horror, Action and Comedy in a package deal!
My Bloody Valentine 3D: Remakes done right
Alien: The horror of losing reproductive Rigths
Night of the Creeps: A cult Classic
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil vs. Stereotypes
Ready or Not. The class war
Dracula and the repressed desire
Frankenstein and the loss of innocence.
The Mummy and the fear of the known
The Invisible Man and the need to be seen