I adore baseball uniforms’ history. You can see so much evolution both in the sports and in the society regarding how long some pants where, the socks, the skirts in female teams.

I adore baseball uniforms’ history. You can see so much evolution both in the sports and in the society regarding how long some pants where, the socks, the skirts in female teams.
This was the very first illustration I did for Traveling Seers. Maria, on the home plate, ready to start an inning. There’s a lot to say about Maria: why I choose that nickname, why he bears with it, and yes, how he feels about leaving his country to chase his dream. While the story began in spanish a long time ago, I am just showing it in English now. However, don’t worry: Once we get up to date with the spanish version, it will keep going.
This month Traveling Seers will be updated every weekday in Tapas. This is to give you guys a bigger archive to read, and to do a subscription drive at Tapas: If I get to 300 subscribers before Nov 1, I will keep a Monday-Wednesday-Friday update schedule through November and onwards. So, as they say in Youtube: Like and subscribe!