Wonder Belle

I honestly don’t have much to say about Belle. Beauty and the Beast is not one of my top 10 fave Disney Movies, despite the fact that Tale as Old as Time IS one of my favorite Disney songs because its sung by Angela Langsbury who is easily one of my favorite actresses ever. But Belle is… well, Belle. She’s some of my friends’ favorite, and I do identify with her love of reading (If someone offered me that frigging library? I’d marry them on the spot, even if they had horns), but other than that… she’s just Belle.

The suit she’s wearing is, at the same time, one of the least recognized outfits Diana had. Because a lot of people confuse it with her Post-Crisis, George Perez’ designed outfit. But no, this one is the last Pre-Crisis outfit she wore, the first time the eagle changed into a  W because, in the words of the woman who handed it to her in comic “W stands for Woman. Because you represent all Women”.

Kinda heavy to put her with that much weight, IMHO, but it was a powerful scene at the time.

You will see the differences with the Post-crisis uniform in the next Princess. They’re not that big, but once you know they’re there, you can’t not see them.