One of my new year resolutions is to try and make a small color sketch every day. I alternate between a fanart week and a week dedicated to my characters, and February’s second week was for my antropomorphic Haunted Houses

One of my new year resolutions is to try and make a small color sketch every day. I alternate between a fanart week and a week dedicated to my characters, and February’s second week was for my antropomorphic Haunted Houses
You have probably seen my Haunted Houses’s series here in Calico Chimera, as I give human bodies to many haunted houses around the world. What you probably don’t know is that I also have done chibi stickers of all of them. So today, I thought I’d share the current line-up for you all to see. In order: Villisca, Winchester, The House of Aunt Toña, The Tubos’s House, and the Aberdeen’s Tolbooth.
In every story, there’s that one character who enjoys getting in trouble and getting everyone else in trouble. The troublemakers, so to speak. Obviously, my stories are not the exception.
I made this illustration, with the most mischievous of my characters from my stories for a new banner in my patreon and facebook page, but of course, I just had to make them full body to share them with you all.
Moonlight Honesty is from Gradients, which is currently a Patreon-exclusive strip and you get the whole archive for just $1.00 USD a month. Updates on Fridays.
Dew is from Dream Keeper Robin, that you can read for free at Tapas (Link on the main menu), or buy at my store in physical form. Updates on Mondays.
Phoenix is from Traveling Seers, that you can read at Tapas (link on the main menu). Updates on Wednesdays.
Raziel is from Devil in Disguse. More about him to come out soon
Winchester Mansion is, of course, from my Haunted House series, that you may have seen here.
And finally Moira is from my very first professional comic, I.Doll. But hers is a story for another time.
Next in my haunted houses series, is the Alberdeen Tolbooth. It may be a bit of a cheat, as it’s not a house now, and it never was. It was a prison, and now it’s a museum. Hence, he’s a guy. And well, he has the reputation of being the most haunted place in all of England. Sure, most of the hauntings are pretty tame, and it’s mostly to scare people away, but given how violent the story of old England prisons is, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was more bloody than we all imagine.
This particular playful house is from the city of Monterrey. She was built by a single father for his daughter, who, according to the legend was wheelchair bound. Thus, the house was fitted accordingly with ramps and not stairs. Unfortunately, one day when he and his daughter were checking the house, she slid down one of said ramps and out of the window, dying instantly. Since then, legend says, anyone who spends time inside the unfinished house will end up jumping out of the window, pushed by the house.
But come on, look at her! She only wants to play with you.
La Casa de la Tía Toña, or the Tía Toña House, is a very intriguing house down here in Mexico City. It’s in the middle of the Chapultepec Forest, and entering there is forbidden. It’s also the focus of at least four contradicting stories, from the age of the Tía Toña (Some say she was elderly, some say that she was in her 40’s), to the nature of what happened there (Some say she killed some kids that were bullying her, some say that she killed the children she had adopted, all say she killed herself afterwards), and what happens if you actually manage to enter her.
That’s why making her design was so fun. Because she’s beautiful, but shrouded in mystery.
I’ve always found the Winchester Mansion to be fascinating. Both the house itself with it’s crazy architecture, as the story behind why it has such weird rooms. So of course, she had to be the second of the set of actual haunted houses in human form. She’s young, she’s old, and she’s always there to help you hide.
After doing the Stephen King Haunted Houses last year, I kind of got inspired to do more, only that instead of doing more literary houses, I decided to try and work with some real pieces of architecture that have been said to be haunted. And here’s the first of the set:
The now named Villisca Axe Murder House sits on Villisca, Iowa. The whole story is quite dreadful as in one night seven people died inside her, without the murder ever being caught. After… well, some people claimed to see shoes filled with blood if they stayed to sleep there (something that is no longer possible). So, what other secrets does she keep?