I’m going to be frank here: I only watched Princess and the Frog in Netflix about seven months ago. When it was in the theaters it didn’t call my attention (I am not a fan of the original tale of the spoiled princess and the dead frog) so I just let it pass. Man, was I wrong. After I watched it, Tiana became one of my top five favorite princess, hands down. She’s perfect in every way, and the only thing I am not happy with is that she spends about 90% of the movie as a frog (Also, Alan Tudyk made me cry, but that’s for a different post).
On the other hand, I adore the DC Bombshells. Every single issue is perfect, and all the stuff changed is great. I am pretty sure that no one at DC editorial reads DC Bombshells because there’s no way they would let a comic so perfect to keep on, with all the lesbian and bisexual heroines that are so cool. Diana in particular is amazing. And her suit is my favorite WW alternative uniform, so of course I had to give it to Tiana.
We’re almost done with the Wonder Princesses, so I hope you have enjoyed this ride.