Have you seen Captain Marvel? If not, go. Run to your nearest cinema and watch it because it’s a really fun movie. I enjoyed it from start to finish and while I was already a Carol fan from the comics, I came out waiting to see more of her in the MCU. And well, given that, I skipped one fanart week poll to give her and those other women who have used her names in the Marvel Universe a much deserved homage.
L is for Luisa
First thing you need to know about Luisa: She is an absolute loyal friend and if you hurt those she likes, you will be in a lot of pain.
K is for sKater
Now, unlike Juliet, Julian here is not a spoiler character for Gradients. It’s just that so far he has only appeared on the Friday Patreon’s strips. He’s the very first friend that Romeo made at College, before he even knew about the house where he’s living now.
Traveling Seers’ Uniform History
I adore baseball uniforms’ history. You can see so much evolution both in the sports and in the society regarding how long some pants where, the socks, the skirts in female teams.
J is for Juliet
I have to apologize a little since well, due to a mixup with my calendar, Juliet has yet to appear in Gradients. So technically… this is a bit of a spoiler. But she’s coming soon, so… I will try to keep everything a bit vague. You will like her, I swear.
Gail Simone’s Homage Week (DC Comics)
At the risk of sounding a bit too fangirly, I absolutely adore everything that Gail Simone writes. From her Bongo stories to now Domino’s Hotshots, her stories are funny, sad, poignant and more often than not, end up hitting every single one of my buttons as a comic reader. She has made me love characters I used to despise, and hate and fear villains that I thought were harmless.
I is for Intuitive
Robin is, at times, the embodiment of “yolo”. I blame Alex mostly, for her influence on him. Because no matter what life throws at him, Robin will always keep going forward and try to get out of whatever trouble that lands him in
Gradients D&D Edition
Given that the Gradients gang is both in college and they all live together, it’s quite easy for them to institute a gaming night. And given Xolotl’s love for pop culture, of course one night they would end up playing rol. Following that logic, I had to draw them as the D&D classes because it’s fun!