We’re almost done with the Inktober witches, and I am sure going to miss them… so probably there will be at least one more drawing of the group once I am done with the challenge. (I apologize for some of the images, my scanner hasn’t been cooperating lately)
Sugar Skull Dew
I have to admit, Dew is probably my favorite Squire to draw. She hasn’t had the chance to shine much yet, but I adore her. She loves her job, she loves her powers and she will never, ever back down from a fight.
If you want to know how I colored her, the process is available on Patreon for anyone who donates $5.00 USD or more per month.
Sugar Skull Calani
Last week I shared Blaze, now I am sharing Calani with her Sugar Skull make up.
Funny thing about Calani: I kind of had issues with her because I used to hate color green. I just couldn’t find a way to make it look pretty to me. Now a days, she and Dew are two of my favorite girls to draw because of their colors. So I hope you like them as much as I liked drawing and coloring them. (Dew will come out next week 😉 )
Sugar Skull Blaze
Since I was a little girl, I’ve loved Sugar Skulls. I remember mom buying the biggest, most decorated one for our altar for Great Grandpa Manuel, and that it would last for DAYS if I took it later to school, even sharing it with my classmates. But I really didn’t like eating it as much as looking at it. The decorations always made me smile and wonder how they were made.
Two years ago, I made a series of some characters as sugar skulls. It was REALLY fun. But that was two years ago, and now I thought… why not give the Elemental Squires of Dream Keeper Robin a chance? So here we are with the first one, Blaze, the passionate squire of Fire.
Dr. Who, Seven to Thirteen
I was a bit late comer to Dr. Who. I started watching from 9’s season, but not until the hiatus between 11 and 12. Still, I fell in love with the series in about… 4 episodes. While I haven’t yet watched all of classic Who, I can’t deny 7 and 8 are really fun. And of the Doctors I’ve seen? All have something special. Can’t wait for 13, who seems to have a joy in life that I’ve been missing in the Doctors since 9.
Traveling Seers Month and Subscription Drive
This was the very first illustration I did for Traveling Seers. Maria, on the home plate, ready to start an inning. There’s a lot to say about Maria: why I choose that nickname, why he bears with it, and yes, how he feels about leaving his country to chase his dream. While the story began in spanish a long time ago, I am just showing it in English now. However, don’t worry: Once we get up to date with the spanish version, it will keep going.
This month Traveling Seers will be updated every weekday in Tapas. This is to give you guys a bigger archive to read, and to do a subscription drive at Tapas: If I get to 300 subscribers before Nov 1, I will keep a Monday-Wednesday-Friday update schedule through November and onwards. So, as they say in Youtube: Like and subscribe!